January 20, 2022

Reasons why a podcast is a no-brainer

How do you measure the success of a podcast?

It’s not the number of downloads. It’s not email addresses or landing page visits.

I would argue that a podcast’s success is more subjective and nuanced.

This is why CEOs and VPs of Marketing struggle to grasp the value of podcasting. They want to look at podcasting as a quantifiable and data-driven activity. 

That’s a mistake.

The true value of a podcast is:

  • Establishing and nurturing relationships with prospects and customers. Podcasts are a great reason to reach out to potential clients.
  • Generating evergreen and original content that can be packaged in multiple formats (blog posts, eBooks, infographics, videos, social media updates) and shared on multiple platforms.
  • Building brand awareness and thought leadership.
  • Establishing a company or individual as a go-to resource.

In a world in which everything seemingly has to be quantified, podcasts are a free spirit. 

They operate and thrive by often not following the rules or kowtowing to the data geeks.

Instead, success is measured by feedback, people who excitedly talk about an interview or episode, prospects who appear out of nowhere, and guests who turn into customers and/or evangelists.

Launching my podcast last June has been one of my best moves professionally. 

While I do look at the analytics for fun, the podcast’s success is not about the numbers but something more intangible. 

By the way, the newest Marketing Spark podcast episode is a conversation with Kacy Maxwell.

We talked a lot about his use of Sketchnotes, which are a mix of drawings, doodles, and text; short of like infographics on steroids.

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